Wednesday, December 7, 2011 - 2 comments

Salaries Gone Wild

Have you seen the latest offer by the St. Louis Cardinals to keep Albert Pujols?

$220,000,000 - over 10 years

OK, let's do that math on this paltry wage . . .

Major League Baseball season = 166 games equaling 1,660 games over 10 years

So he will make . . .
$132,530 per game or

$14,725 per inning or

$53,000 per hour (2.5 hours per game average)

Have we lost our minds? I submit to you that perhaps we have.


Jim Kinter December 7, 2011 at 7:29 PM

Absurd. Ludicrous. Obscene. Have you seen what a teacher makes? A nurse? What's wrong with our society where people who really improve the human condition het paid pennies while those that simply improve the bottom line reap ridiculous rewards. Top of the game or not, it's still just that...a game. Spend $220M making the world a better place...Sheesh...

Jim Kinter December 7, 2011 at 7:32 PM

No, I'm not a socialist. I'm 100% capitalist pig...but...

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